Command and conquer renegade no cd patch
Command and conquer renegade no cd patch

command and conquer renegade no cd patch

Grenade launcher ("Kestral"): a standard grenade launcher, fed from a 6-round cylindrical magazine.This weapon does heal Nod tiberium mutants. The processing has removed Tiberium's hazardous properties and the weapon can be employed by any personnel. Tiberium Flechette Gun ("Talon"): a submachinegun firing processed Tiberium shards at high speeds.In multiplayer it is carried by Sydney, and is effective against infantry and vehicles alike. It is the weapon Acolytes (early Nod cyborgs) are armed with. Unlike the Chemical Sprayer, it is very accurate at long ranges and less cumbersome. Tiberium auto-rifle ("Mantis"): a bullpup assault rifle firing Tiberium gas cartridges, this weapon possesses a very high rate of fire, as well as a very distinctive discharge sound.It is the standard weapon of Officers and Black Hand Heavy infantry guarding the Temple of Nod. Laser chaingun ("Tarantula"): an advanced version of the laser rifle, the Tarantula fires highly accurate and devastating laserbeams down three rotating barrels.The "magazine" on this weapon has 100 shots before requiring "reloading" It is the standard issue weapon of Nod Black Hand Stealth Troopers.

Command and conquer renegade no cd patch portable#

Laser rifle ("Firefly"): an experimental Nod weapon, this portable Obelisk module fires red beams of amplified light, dealing massive damage to infantry and vehicles alike.Gunner has a high proficiency with this weapon in Multiplayer mode, and as such, can fire rockets slightly faster that hit things slightly harder. The missiles are accurate and deal tremendous damage, but have no tracking equipment and are ineffective against faster moving targets, such as infantry and attack helicopters. Sarcus A-6 66mm Rocket launcher ("Locust"): A portable anti-armour weapon, this rocket launcher is reloaded with cartridges containing six 66mm rockets.Nod Chem Warriors are resistant to this weapon. Also, streams of Tiberium can cause accidental mutations in victims. It has been noticed, that prolonged use of this weapon can result in genetic mutation as users have been known to turn into Visceroids as a result. As with all the tiberium-based weaponry in the game, the chemical sprayer heals tiberium mutants. Chemical sprayer ("Venom"): A weapon utilizing raw, unrefined Tiberium as ammunition, it is effective against most infantry and lighter vehicles.Nod Flame Soldiers are, however, resistant to this weapon. Flamethrower ("Dragonfly"): This simple weapon fires a long stream of ignited gas, highly effective against infantry and light vehicles.It is equipped with a high precision scope, a directional microphone and a four round magazine of armor-piercing bullets. Vervac R-59 Sniper rifle ("Pierce"): A long range sniper rifle, this weapon is the standard issue weapon of Nod Black Hand operatives.It has a very high rate of fire and uses ammunition up very quickly.

command and conquer renegade no cd patch

It uses a self conatined 100-round belt magazine. It primarily issued to GDI and Nod Officers.

  • Chaingun ("Condor"): A six-barreled, man-portable chaingun.
  • It is fed from 100 round box magazines and is reasonably accurate at medium distances.
  • Cobretti AR-70 Automatic Rifle ("Raptor"): The standard issue assault rifle for both the GDI and Nod foot soldiers.
  • It has an integrated silencer, a 12 bullet magazine and unlimited ammo.
  • Vervac Commando Elite Silenced Pistol ("Falcon"): standard 9mm magazine used by both GDI and Nod.
  • The game features a wide variety of weapons, including: Gameplay is a combination of FPS and RTS elements, since team members receive money from tiberium harvesting and must purchase their own individual equipment Some servers allow the 'endgame beacon' that causes the game to be instantly won by the team that successfully detonates a superweapon beacon on the opposing team’s pedestal located in their Barracks or Hand of Nod.

    command and conquer renegade no cd patch

    Damaging and destroying enemy units and structures earns points. The game is won when one team destroys the other team's base or the time limit expires and the team with the highest points is declared the winner. Destroying buildings may hamper essential resources such as creating advanced characters, decreasing production rate, funds, and vehicle construction. Each team starts with a base and may purchase vehicles and advanced character classes with the objective to destroy the enemy base and defend their own base. The multi-player of this game takes the form of 'Command and Conquer Mode', in which players are divided into the two teams: GDI and The Brotherhood of Nod.

    Command and conquer renegade no cd patch